Industry experts

Consulting for marketing and research

For us, marketing research is not an end in itself. Marketing research is the basis for extensive research and advisory services: from product design and development to the market launch and a successful sales performance.

Contribution to success

The skills of the team members blend into a perfect overall picture. Everyone gets a feel of his contribution to success.

Mobility experts

The car of tomorrow combines innovation from different fields: chassis technology …

Hightest efficiency!

Cost and time pressure has always characterized the transport …

New Energy

The change that the German energy industry is experiencing could not be …

Be connected with HKM

HKM analyses the true (and often hidden) customer needs …

Goods well branded

What are brands worth in the huge market place? Do they offer …

Invest globally!

In most capital goods markets suppliers are often in international or …


We just do what we really understand well – deep industry expertise is a prerequisite for successful work.


New ideas in the fast lane

Commercial vehicles

Hightest efficiency


Actively shaping the change


Connected thinking HKM

Consumer goods

Strong brands – valuable brands?

Capital goods

Invest globally – but safely

You can not tie a knot with one hand

This Asian proverb gets to the heart of our teamwork. HKM is an interdisciplinary team of psychologists, economists, sociologists, computer scientists and arts scholars that grows continuously.

HKM Figures 2021 at a glance

Our insights are based on various pillars of research

We mesh customer needs with industry expertise to create content with substance

Survey participants
Focus groups
Interviews with industry insiders

30+ years in business, and one thing has not changed:

We are not satisfied with the usual but go ‘beyond the norm’.