Team Spirit

You cannot tie a knot with one hand

This Asian proverb gets to the heart of our teamwork. HKM is an interdisciplinary team of psychologists, economists, sociologists, computer scientists and arts scholars that grows continuously.

Our team

Thomas Braun

Managing Director

Jörg Sgries

Senior Research Consultant

Thomas Witte

Senior Research Consultant

Alan Kuphal

Senior Research Consultant

Dieter Scholven

Senior Research Consultant

Vera Wolf

Research Consultant

Melusine Straub

Research Consultant

Eva McGrath

Research Consultant

Kirsten Stein

Research Specialist

Sylvia Braun

Research Specialist/ Accounting

Friederike Hobusch

Research Specialist/ Recruitment

Rahaf Baloul

Research Specialist

Vestibulum ante

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success."

-Henry Ford